Summertime in COVID-19 is not as fun as normal. Swimming pools are closed, beaches are a no go (for those of us who don't want COVID-19) and masks are stuffy and don't pair well with the humidity.
But inside our nice and cool house, I was able to decorate again for summer. The theme is lemons.
At this point, decorating is one of the few things that legitimately calms me down during this stressful time. I have noticed myself becoming short and extremely snappy at everyone around me. I'm exhausted and irritable constantly, and it seems like all I hear are complaints and more steady fears. I'm exhausted constantly, and I'm usually too tired to think straight anymore.
But between on budget decorating and gardening, I've been doing some drawing here and there. Anything to take my minds off of things around here and in the world today.
I've kept myself busy with sunflowers and lemons and the occasional bumble bee. Most of my decorations were purchased at Walmart on the dollar rack, or from Amazon. Pretty much all these things were budget buys from local stores. My goal is to eventually have decorations for every season and holiday of the year.
So far, I've gotten the following:
New Years
Valentines Day
4th of July
Some of the seasons are not as robust as the others, but we are getting there. The attic has now been neatly organized into bins and all the bins labeled.
Let's hope that things let up soon, or at the very least get slightly better. In the meantime, what are you doing to cope with everything going on?
Stay well.