Here it is. Nearly thirty weeks with my precious son. Russ is growing rapidly, and as time passes so is my baby bump.
My baby bump has been rather small throughout this pregnancy just because of how I carry. I appreciate this because it helps me with mobility and comfort. Now my bump is starting to show, and I am loving it. I love finally looking pregnant rather than just chubby.
This pregnancy has been hard, harder than I ever could have imagined. I have been sick throughout the entire pregnancy, never really having much of a rest from it. I have thrown up through every week, feeling like crap through every doctor's appointment, etc.
I have also faced extreme fatigue and the occasional bought of fainting. That's always fun when you have to spend an entire day in Labor and Delivery being monitored because you passed out at work.
Fortunately, Russ is as healthy as a horse. Through every bought of sickness he has thrived, and that's the important thing. He hasn't slowed down a bit from the start of his conception.
He is measuring consistently a week ahead, and is already head down and sitting low. Russ is constantly active and always kicking the mess out of me. I wonder if this energy that he possesses will continue after he is born.
He is so active that we actually had to get a SECOND anatomy scan because he refused to let the nurse see his heart or brain. The second time Russ was much calmer and more accommodating.
So far, from what we can see in the scans, he looks just like his father. His baby photos look JUST like Russell. Russ has his daddy's nose and head shape. We aren't sure if he has my ears or Kevin's--mainly because he never let us see them. He likes to sleep on his little hands and keeps his ears and usually his face covered.
Kevin is so excited about becoming a father. Russ so far seems to be a daddy's boy. He LOVES when Kevin talks to him or touches my stomach. Kevin lays his head on my stomach and Russ will eagerly press up into him. Russ will run his tiny hands up and down Kevin's face. He is very curious and active, constantly responding to what we do.
We are so excited to see what Russ really looks like when he is born. As of right now we have 9 weeks until the earliest date I can be induced, 10 weeks until his due date, and 11 weeks until his eviction notice where he has to come out whether he likes it or not. It seems like only yesterday that he was just a tiny peanut without a name. Now he is Russ, our son, our perfect little boy.
Now we are getting closer and closer to his due date. Now we are having to watch for early signs of labor, counting braxton hicks contractions, and packing hospital bags. All these things that seemed eons away, are now only a matter of weeks and days away.
Now we are having to set up his nursery, wash all his baby clothes, clean all the bottles, baby proof the house, set up all the furniture, install the car seat, map out our visitation plan, and plan for maternity and paternity leave at work.
I am so fortunate that Kevin will be able to stay home with me for 4 weeks after the birth of Russ. Having that help and support during that time of transition and recovery is huge.
Our hospital will not allow more than 2 visitors in a 24 hour period. So we are having to plan on family and friends visiting the baby at our home. Our plan is for only grandparents to visit during those first two weeks. Our family is VERY understanding with this, and everyone is willing to abide by our wishes for the health and safety of our baby boy.
We have basic rules that our family is willing to follow, such as no kissing the baby, don't just drop in, wash hands before holding the baby, etc. Everyone has been SO understanding and accommodating with our rules and wishes. I am so blessed to have such loving family and friends surrounding me during this huge transition! Talking with other pregnant mamas, I have learned that having such supportive family is rare, and I am so grateful for the love I have.
I am having to prepare for maternity leave, fortunately my work is very understanding and accommodating. Unfortunately my maternity leave is right in the middle of our busiest season. We also have the biggest event of the year right when I turn 38 weeks pregnant. This is a two day event that lasts over 14 hours in the Georgia heat. My doctors are not happy about the idea of me working said event. The doctors said they would check me for dilation the week of, but if I am the slightest bit dilated or in inactive labor they will not let me work. The burden of these events and work will fall on my assistant who is already very stressed about the whole affair. I have it for her, but I have done all that I can do to make it easier on her. I will continue to work to make it easier, but ultimately we both have to trust that it will all be okay. Fortunately, I should be back to work before the majority of our Christmas events kick off.
Being an event planner and being pregnant is extremely hard. You're on your feet all day long, you have to constantly be planning three events ahead. Being pregnant slows you down significantly, and ultimately makes you feel like you are failing at everything you do. I am exhausted, constantly sick, and having to trust the running of the events to others. All the uncertainty.
My husband on the other hand will have a much easier time preparing his team for his absence. As a teacher lesson plans are a life saver. He's already working to prep everything for his month long leave.
During our leave we will bonding with our son, and I will be recovering from birth. I am praying my birth experience is not as traumatic or horrifying as some of the stories I have been told. One thing that works on my side is the fact that easy births run in my family. I hope my own experience with birth will be in line with my family's history. I also hope we can go and do a little bit after I have recovered more. My mother swears that recovery isn't that bad, so we will see. I am keeping an open mind and working on being positive about the entire process.
As for my third trimester symptoms, many first trimester symptoms have come back. Nausea, fatigue, aches and pains. New symptoms have popped up, such as milk coming in, pelvic pain, round ligament pain, pregnancy brain, heartburn (a hairy baby?). Not fun, I'm so ready for this baby to be OUT and this pregnancy to be over lol. I am so ready to meet my son, and to finally be done being pregnant. The symptoms suck, but I am nearly done, nearly to the day I meet my son.
It will be so worth it, so worth each second, every ache and pain, every morning curled around the toilet bowl, every hormonal cry, it will be worth everything.
My son will be so worth all of this!