Currently, life has been busy. A flurry of activity and projects that don't ever end.
The biggest accomplishment of the weekend was moving an 800 pound antique piano into the house! No photos yet, I'll get some soon.
We've placed it in our entry way, the dark oak finish contrasts beautifully with the white walls of the foyer! I'm in love. I've managed to decorate it a bit with some cotton, parts of my antique camera collection, and my collection of old photography.
I am of the notorious habit of moving things constantly, so the decorations will more than likely shift as the seasons change. The piano however is staying put for our entire time in this home!
I have not, unfortunately, done much else this weekend as I've had a sinus infection that has spread to my ear. I've spent most of my days laying in bed with yuck draining out of my ear.
I managed to return to work, but the sickness is still there. Others at my work have been ill as well, with viruses and even pneumonia going around! Fortunately, I have not yet succumbed to that.
I am hoping that my illness will subside before this coming weekend. As a Parks and Recreation Manager events are pretty regular. However, this event coming up is the biggest of the year! It's the fall festival to celebrate all that is our town. An over 18 hour day awaits me on Saturday. An ear infection/cold is not something I want to battle with on that day.
I'm still exhausted and not sleeping well due to my ear constantly leaking and hurting, my tonsils expanding and swelling, and the ever present runny nose.
Due to this I'm a bit irritable, not the most fun person around sadly. Ear pain has the strange ability to make you feel angry.
My illness hasn't slowed down my husband thank God. He has kept going and has been super productive. My sweet in-laws bought my two gorgeous black rocking chairs for our huge front porch! Some assembly was required lol, but my sweet husband came through and dutifully put them together. If I was more productive myself this weekend I would have pictures of those lol. Hopefully my ears will slowly improve and I can get some good photos taken!
I hope my future posts will be more colorful and interesting!