If you are like me, you likely don't want to spend your whole paycheck on a single date with your S.O. However I have a few date ideas that won't break the bank that I'd like to go on at least once by the end of 2020!
1) Dance in the kitchen while cooking dinner.
2) Take an afternoon bike ride together through the local biking path
3) Enjoy an outdoor concert together on a blanket under the stars
4) Take a moment to taste test a few different wines. Go to your local store and find a few different types of wines and just try a few of them!
5) Play trivia together over dinner!
5) Hike together, explore your local parks and local landmarks. We are fortunate to live near several waterfalls and natural wonders!
6) Landmarks, be a tourist in your own hometown! We live in the historic district of our hometown and there are lots of lovely landmarks near our home!
7) Paint together, learn how to paint DnD minis, paint a fun canvas together!
8)Watch a documentary together!
10)Volunteer for local community cause together!