I doubt anyone reads these, but it's an outlet for myself so I will continue to write.
We have found out that I am having a boy! We have picked out a name, a nursery theme, and I have finished the baby registry. While it hasn't just been smooth sailing all the time, my symptoms have noticeably gotten better since entering into my second trimester.
The late to work days due to nausea have lessoned, the vomiting has all but ceased so far, and some form of energy has started to return.
Now, I still get exhausted after cooking a modest dinner--but at least I can now cook! Before, I was so sick I didn't even have the ability to cook. I just collapsed into the bed and nibbled crackers. At least now I can cook a decent meal before collapsing. My husband of course is happy I am cooking again.
I have felt the exciting sensation of baby kicking! At 17 weeks I can definitely tell that he is kicking up a storm! He is so active, and his kicking makes me think that we are going have a little soccer player on our hands--just like his daddy!
He responds a little to light and music--though he doesn't recognize things of course. However, he has decided that he likes Sabaton music and Fleetwood Mac. Two totally different ends of the music spectrum--but that's what he likes. He also kicks to his daddy's voice.
I don't have much of a baby bump right now, more of a baby pooch. The pooch is relatively small, but still there and growing. Since my uterus tilts backwards and I have wide hips, baby is sitting low and back into me. My bump is growing back into me before growing out of me. My doctor says baby is measuring normally and is fine, so that's the main thing, and that I may just not have a large baby bump. Either way, as long as baby boy is healthy I am good-though I do think having the bump appear later or not at all will help with mobility.
My moods haven't been too bad, but I will admit I have started to get more irritable than normal. Fortunately my mood swings haven't been awful and very manageable.
Kevin and I are so excited for our anatomy scan so we could see our amazing, beautiful, baby! So far he has been measuring on the mark, he is perfectly healthy, and obviously VERY active!
We are excited, tired, and ready for these next few milestones!